
Advent Reflections : St Francis Xavier feast celebrations

By Crispino Faria

Its November end and we are heading towards Advent season. In Chicalim, it’s the time when celebrations start with the Feast of our Patron, St. Francis Xavier.

Our Parish Priest, Fr. Bolmax Periera along with the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), had planned and shared with our parishioners their vision for a meaningful spiritual celebration. The liturgy during the Novenas at Old Goa was replicated in our parish too.

On 24th November, we had the Blessing of the Flag (Maddi), by Fr. Anthony Rodrigues, Dean of Mormugao Deanery. During the Novenas, we had Priests from our own Pallotti Home Fr. Peter and Fr. Carlos, our ex-Parish Priests Fr. Eufemiano Miranda, Fr. Cipriano D'Silva besides Fr. Lyndon (SFX), Fr. Leenoy Dias, Fr. Jesus Rodrigues and Fr. Joe Rodrigues (Band of Priests). It was a privilege for us to listen to their inspired preaching. The Novenas were organized by our different wards/sectors from the village. Parishioners actively participated to make it a celebration to remember. They even had a canteen put up after every novena mass with mouth-watering dishes. The Catechists and the Youth organized games so that the people went home with a smile on their face.

Blessing of the Flag Blessing of the Flag Photo by: Crispino Faria

Novena and Salve Novena and Salve Photo by: Crispino Faria

On 1st of December, our Chicalim Parish went on a pilgrimage to Old Goa and participated in the 10.30 am Novena Mass. Our parish choir sang in their melodious voices for the Mass while a few had the privilege to take part in the liturgy. It was a day to remember for all those who attended.

Our Parish at Old Goa Our Parish at Old Goa Photo by: Francisco Nunes

Fr. Ashley Alphonso, the Spiritual Director of Rachol Seminary along with our Fr. Bolmax Pereira, the Pallottine priests, concelebrated the festive Mass. Fr. Ashley in his homily enlightened us about the life of St. Francis Xavier. He was born in a castle in Spain, he went for higher studies in Paris where he met St. Ignatius Loyola with whose inspiration St. Francis became a Jesuit Priest and later travelled to India as a missionary. When this was going on, the heavens too opened up and blessed us with a light shower of rain. The brass band played their music as everyone wished each other a very happy feast with a smile on their face.

Snapshots of the Feast Snapshots of the Feast Photo by: Francisco Nunes