
Come to Me and I will give you rest

By Ana Smriti Paes

The parishioners, led by our youth and the Priests of the parish, responded to the Call of Jesus to rest with Him by participating in the Night Vigil during between 20th and 21st March, 2021. We spent a night with Jesus, praising, thanking and worshiping Him for His call to rest.

Praise and worship Praise and worship

The youngsters leading from the front The youngsters leading from the front

The night was filled with songs and hymns of praise, led by the youth band. Young and old alike sang and danced for the Lord.

The Band The Band

We had among us Rev. Fr Walter De Souza, Priest incharge of Our Lady of Candelaria Church, Baina, who reflected with us on the Word of God. He delivered two very beautiful sermons, inviting us to go into our lives and think about why we needed God’s rest. Then he invited us to rest with Jesus, no matter the time or stage of our lives. He reflected on the life of St Joseph; whose feast was celebrated the previous day.

“The three K’s of rest- Kusveant, Khavnnent, Khursar”

-Fr Walter De Souza

The Trio Fr Walter explaining the importance of resting with Jesus

We spent time in peace and rest before the Blessed Sacrament. The youth helped us to reflect and pray. Our time of worship ended with the Divine Mercy Chaplet being sung at 3:00 am.

The Blessed Sacrament exposed The Blessed Sacrament exposed

Mr Soccoro, a friend from Canacona, then testified to God’s amazing Love, His plan and His work in his own personal life. The story of his conversion from alcoholism is an inspiration to young people struggling with their vices. Some parishioners, also came forward to praise God for looking after them, lovingly, throughout this pandemic.

Mr Soccoro sharing his testimony Mr Soccoro sharing his testimony

The Night Vigil ended with a spiritual and meaningful celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 6:00 am. After a vote of thanks given by the Youth Co-ordinator, we returned to our homes, peaceful and renewed.

The night vigil can be watched in the player below:

Fr Walter’s talk can be watched in the player below: