
Extra-Ordinary Missionary Month

By Shogun Fernandes

"Marian Month" that's what the month of October is called in the Catholic World, as this month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary.

We, in the SFX Chicalim Parish have been able to feel the grace of God through Mary our Mother by praying the Holy Rosary for the entire month at various locations in our village. “For the month of October 2019”, Pope Francis asked the whole Church to live an Extra-Ordinary time of Missionary activity”.

The theme chosen for the month was “Baptised and Sent”.

Prayers and people during the Rosary Month Prayers and people during the Rosary Month

The SFX Parish Youth decided to come together and join the parishioners in praying the Rosary on different days in the various wards of the village.

Previously, this tradition was carried out by our forefathers who recited the Holy Rosary together at a common Cross, located within the village. Sadly, this pious tradition has been seen to be slowly diminishing, especially among the younger generation.

Prayers and people during the Rosary Month Prayers and people during the Rosary Month

And thus was born, this initiative to go to each village ward/sector and recite the Holy Rosary at a common Cross.

The schedule for the month long program was held as below:

03/10/2019 - Deusa Pequeno
04/10/2019 - Deusa Grande
05/10/2019 - Alto Chicalim (Hospital)
07/10/2019 - Alto Chicalim (Telephone Exchange)
08/10/2019 - Regina Mundi (Anand Residency)
10/09/2019 - Alto Dabolim ( Jairam Nagar)
11/10/2019 - Dabolim
14/10/2019 - Assoi Dongri
15/10/2019 - Gina /Penta
17/10/2019 - Naquelim
18/10/2019 - Assoi
22/10/2019 - Igreja
23/10/2019 - Green Valley
24/10/2019 - Alto Dabolim
26/10/2019 - Holy Cross

The recitation of the Holy Rosary during the Marian Month was dedicated for various intentions including prayers for the Holy Father, the Priests and Religious, our National leaders, the Youth of our Nation, for Vocations to Priesthood in our own Parish, for the Sick and the Needy.

October, 2019 was a month of pure Spiritual experience for us at SFX Chicalim Parish, unlike any previous October month. It was truly a beautiful and Holy experience. Each ward/sector welcomed us wholeheartedly, as they appreciated the initiative and prayed along with the youth.