
Feast of Nativity Of Mary

By Nathaniel Nunes

Just like Vailankanni in Tamil Nadu and many other churches over the world, The Feast of Our Lady of the Mount (Monte) was celebrated at our parish on the 8th of September. The feast holds a special place in the Catholic calendar as it is the birthday of Mother Mary and also celebrated as Mothers Day.

Our Lady of the Mount Our Lady of the Mount

The feast day was preceded by nine days of Novena. At the end of each Novena Mass, the statue of Our Lady was placed for veneration, in front of the altar. Children carried baskets of flowers and placed them at the feet of Our Lady.

Children showering flower petals on Our Lady's Statue Children showering flower petals on Our Lady's Statue

This year, there were several activities held after the Novena Mass. The Parish Youth organized a canteen stall, each day having its array of delicious snacks prepared by the youth and generous parishioners. To keep the parishioners entertained, the Catechists (Sondexkar) organized games including a lucky dip and housie.

Parishioners participating in a game of housie Parishioners participating in a game of housie

Parish Youth canteen Parish Youth canteen

The Feast Mass was concelebrated by our Parish Priest Fr. Bolmax along with Fr. Edwin and Fr. Arogya from the Palotti Home.

After the mass, a programme was organized, where our children performed skits, songs and instrumentals.

Catechism children singing Catechism children singing

Youth staging a skit Youth staging a skit