
Hiking we go: Legion of Mary members go hiking

By Mercy Fernandes

The Legion of Mary conducted a Hike on 17th November 2019 to St. Jacinto Island. It was organized by the Senior Legion Presidium Officers wherein Junior Legion Presidium also participated into it. The objective behind the hike was to get along with each other as a family and get to know each other better.

Legion of Mary at St. Jacinto Legion of Mary at St. Jacinto

As we started our journey to climb the hill of St. Jacinto Island, we were mesmerized by the beauty of different plants and trees, chirping sounds of birds, different kinds of butterflies, the various types of houses and the antique lighthouse. We sang songs along the way to entertain others and enjoy ourselves too. As we reached the top of the hill we saw the scenic beauty around us. Later, we played a few games and indulged in preparing tea on a rustic chulla.

The Hike to St. Jacinto Island was a fun event and we made a lot of memories along the way.