
Nine to 9 Altar Servers Camp

By Mercy Fernandes

The first-ever “Altar Servers Nine to 9 camp” was organised on 29th October 2019 in the Church campus, by the Altar Server Animators, Mercy Fernandes and Myron Lucas under the able guidance of our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Bolmax Pereira. Nearly 65 Altar Servers from our Parish attended the camp with around 15 of our Parish Youth volunteered and assisted for the smooth conduct of the camp. The main objective of this camp was to learn and experience the local traditions of Goa at first hand.

The Camp commenced with Prayer Service, followed by a talk by Fr. Bolmax. An ice breaker was organized by Myron Lucas and Sharol Fernandes. Later, the participants were divided into six groups namely Bondo, Chudith, Xevok, Narl, Pido and Adsor.

Glimpses of Nine to 9 Altar Servers Camp Glimpses of Nine to 9 Altar Servers Camp

A Dog and the Bone game was conducted by Raina Gama and Stefany Vaz and it was followed with a traditional snack Pez (Cunji).

During the camp, the participants got an opportunity to cook the traditional food such as xith (rice), kodi (curry), kismur, dry fish salad and kurma bhaji.

In the afternoon, Fr. Edwin from Pallotti House, conducted a session for the Altar Servers and gave them a deep insight about Altar Servers. This session wound up with the serving of the traditional lip-smacking snack, tizan. Towards evening, some traditional games were conducted and included the old-time favourites such as Logorio (7 tiles) and ringaani (ring).

Glimpses of Nine to 9 Altar Servers Camp Glimpses of Nine to 9 Altar Servers Camp

All the Altar Servers then had to prepare one item for the campfire program.

Later, the campers prayed the Angelus followed by Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament and thereafter a traditional dinner followed by the campfire.

The Nine to 9 camp was a resounding success as expressed by the campers themselves. During the camp, the children were able to learn about the traditions of Goa and also experienced every bit of enjoyment of how life was earlier then and now.

Campfire Campfire

We sincerely thank our Parish Priest Fr. Bolmax, our PPC Moderator, Mr Francisco Nunes and our Parish Youth for all their help and support for the successful conduct of this camp.