
Parkonnim - Kit Tem Sang - Round 1

By Cyril Fernandes

Chicalim Bio-Crusaders have come up with a unique contest titled "Parkonnim" which is considered a heritage event.

What is a Parkonnim? 🤔

Parkonnim is a Konkani word which in English translates as Riddle. Before the advent of radio and television as a means of entertainment, 'Parkonnim' was one of the pass-time entertainment in the village Maand or the Balcao

The elderly would challenge the youngsters with these Parkonnims testing the analytical ability of the family members, neighbours or community members.

However, today these Parkonnims have been forgotten and hardly recollected or used as a pastime.

The Contest - Kitem Tem Sang 🧠

  1. Watch the Parkonnim videos below 📽
  2. There are 5 rounds with 10 Parkonnims each to be answered.
  3. Fill the form with your answers round-wise ✍️
  4. Press submit ✔️
  5. Once the contest is over, the person who has answered the most Parkonnims correctly will be declared the winner 🏆 and will receive a cash prize of ₹5,000/-
  6. All participants will receive 50% discount coupon from Nirvana.

What are you waiting for?! Put your thinking caps on and take a shot at the Parkonnims 🏁

Terms and Conditions

  1. Please use your same Google/ Gmail email-address, name and mobile no. to submit the form for all the 5 rounds.
  2. Once you Submit the form, you will not be allowed to resubmit.
  3. Winners will be declared after completion of 5 rounds.
  4. The contest (all 5 rounds) ends on 5th November.
  5. Prize distribution will be held on 3rd December.


The other rounds can be found as follows:

Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, Round 5

Answer Form


Round 1 - Parkonnem No.1

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.2

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.3

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.4

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.5

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.6

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.7

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.8

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.9

Round 1 - Parkonnem No.10