
sfxchicalim.org goes live...

By Gavin Nunes

The official website of St. Francis Xavier Parish was launched on 13th October, 2019 universally observed as “World Communications Day” at the hands of Rev. Fr. Bolmax Pereira, our Parish Priest.

Speaking on the occasion, Fr. Bolmax, encouraged his parishioners to make use of Social Media positively, in the interest of the community and society. Fr. Bolmax, hoped that this website will be a vibrant place for visitors, especially for those of our parishioners, who are spread far and wide.

Fr. Bolmax launching our website Fr. Bolmax launching our website Photo by: Crispino Faria

Fr. Bolmax had a word of appreciation for the “Chicalim Parish Youth” especially Nathaniel Diego Nunes, for having successfully led the team in achieving this milestone.

Fr. Bolmax launching our website Fr. Bolmax launching our website Photo by: Crispino Faria

A snapshot of the website as projected on the screen A snapshot of the website as projected on the screen Photo by: Crispino Faria

Our website was also featured in the local news daily oHeraldo and Gomantak Times.