
Answers of Parkonnim - Kit Tem Sang

By Cyril Fernandes

The Quiz Has Ended 🏁

The Parkonnim Kit Tem Sang contest organised by Chicalim Bio-Crusaders has come to an end. There was a prize distribution event organized at St Francis Xavier Chicalim Church.

It was a nice touch to hold the event on 3rd December as it was the Feast of St Francis Xavier. St. Francis Xavier encourages us to love God because of who he is and how he loved us first.

The Winners are 🏆

Mr. Ashley Afonso and Mrs. Raisa Fernandes jointly won the C. G. Varkey Silver Heritage Rolling Trophy.

Mr. Ashley Afonso and Mrs. Raisa Fernandes with the rolling trophy Mr. Ashley Afonso and Mrs. Raisa Fernandes with the rolling trophy

Mrs. Jacqueline Sequeira, Mrs. Jovita De Souza,  Mrs. Fatima Fernandes, Mr. Remedious Fernandes and Mrs. Rina Fernandes were the five Runners-up respectively. Mrs. Jacqueline Sequeira, Mrs. Jovita De Souza, Mrs. Fatima Fernandes, Mr. Remedious Fernandes and Mrs. Rina Fernandes were the five Runners-up respectively.

The Quiz Masters & organizers 🎓

The Chief Quiz Master of the competition was Mr Inacio Gama from Chicalim. He contributed 15 Parkonnims and still has many more for next year's competition 🧠

The Chief Quiz Master of the competition, Mr Inacio Gama The Chief Quiz Master of the competition, Mr Inacio Gama

Mrs Marcelina Diaz from Sanguem contributed a Parkonnim which could not be answered by any of the participants 🤯

Mrs Marcelina Diaz, one of the quiz masters of the competition Mrs Marcelina Diaz, one of the quiz masters of the competition

Ms Kavina Fernandes from Chicalim was the youngest contributor at the age of 14 years 💭.

Ms Kavina Fernandes, the youngest quiz master of the competition Ms Kavina Fernandes, the youngest quiz master of the competition

Fr Peter Fernandes, Mrs Jayashree Gowde, Mr Braz Livramente, Mr Nishikanth Naik and Mr Myron Lucas were the other contributors.

The other contributors of the competition 💡 The other contributors of the competition 💡

The trophy and prizes were distributed by Fr Simao Fernandes (Director, Pastoral Institute Old Goa) and Mr Francis Varkey (son of the late C.G. Varkey and main sponsor of the competition).

Mr Cyril Fernandes, chief-organiser of the competition Mr Cyril Fernandes, chief-organiser of the competition

Ms. Valerie Afonoso, co-organiser of the competition Ms. Valerie Afonoso, co-organiser of the competition

Mr Nathaniel Nunes, online organiser of the competition Mr Nathaniel Nunes, online organiser of the competition

Fr Bolmax Pereira felicitating the chief guest, Fr Simao Fernandes Fr Bolmax Pereira felicitating the chief guest, Fr Simao Fernandes

Mrs Vini Fernandes giving the vote of thanks Mrs Vini Fernandes giving the vote of thanks

A special shoutout goes out Mr Presley Pedro Dcosta for the creative design and creation of the trophies and prizes. The trophy showcased a design of window pane oysters delicately arranged as a flower. The individual prizes were crab shells which were beautifully painted 🦀.

The unique crab design showcasing the heritage of Chicalim The unique crab design showcasing the heritage of Chicalim

Want to give them another try 🙋‍♂️🙋 ?

You can find the quiz's at the links below: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, Round 5

The Answers ✔️

We're sure you had a great time, putting on your thinking hats and come up with the answers to the Parkonnim's.

You can finally give your minds a rest and check out the answers to the Parkonnim's in the table below.

S. No Parkonnem Answer Quizmaster
1 Vell udeta tednam, chaar paimcher cholta, Vell matear pavlo, don paim cher cholta, Vell podta tednam tin paimcher cholta Monis (Human) Joaquim Inacio Gama
2 Hak, tik taa, tin toklio, paim dha Zoth (Plough)  
3 Ghaltastanam dukta, ghailea uprant borem dista. Kakonn (Bangle) Adv. Fr. Michael A. Fernandes, Vasco
4 Pottar pott, burkam bott Dhatem (Wheeled Grinding Stone) Joaquim Inacio Gama
5 Udareacher uptem, vosna zalear hatin ghalchem Zotem (Slipper)  
6 Ek Vhodlo rukh, tea rukhak hande, hande gheun kaim pannam, Pannam gheun kaim nanvam. Calender  
7 Dhottore-tlean ailo jogi, ek paim, ek topi. Ollbim (Mushroom) Nishikant Naik, Madkaim
8 Ghanttar sanv ailo yogi, gobor marun boslo voghi. Kunvallem (Ashgourd)  
9 Al-alota, ful fulota Xith (Boiling rice) Fr. Dr. Bolmax Pereira, SFX church Chicalim
10 Maim-ghe kapdam, pai-ghe hath Sontri (Umbrella)  
11 Dol'lem, oddlem, kelem, soddlem. Darak Tallem (Lock on door)  
12 Hath bor ghailo, raat bhor nidlo. Oddambo (Wooden log for closing door)  
13 Attun pottun bhandlo boro, konn parkita taka kotti bor soro. Shendo (Hair-bun) Kaveena Fernandes, Alto-Chicalim
14 Topnaslole kantte, nai mhaka panam, begin begin sang, hanv konna ranvnam. Ghodial. (Watch) Myron Lucas, Chicalim
15 Avaz korun apoita, tum teko uloita, teko uloupa zaina, mello mhuntorri, cholna. Telephone  
16 Hanv konxeak chitkon ranvtam, chitkon ravonuch, akko sonvsar bhonvta. Stamp (Postal Stamp) Braz Livramento De Mello, Sancoale
17 Hanv paim-ianim ubo ravlear vhodd asta, pun tokli sokol korun paim vhoir , hanv lhan zatam. Digits 9 and 6  
18 Eke batlen, dhon bhaxecho soro Tantem (Egg)  
19 Tuka hath lailea bogor mhaka nid poddona. Ghorachem fuddlem Dhar (Front Door)  
20 Arre mojea puta, tornnea chedvachem bonk katornaka. Adsor (Tender Coconut) Joaquim Inacio Gama
21 Hanv ek dadlo, tum ek dadlo, maka asa tem tuka nam, tuka asa tem mhaka nam. Nanv (Name)  
22 Gharant Xem, doriant Xem, porsant Xem Ushem, Boushem, Toushem. (Pillow, fish, Cucumber)  
23 Ghanttar sun hadlo bhokdo, koiti gheun katorlo toklo, dhovem, dhovem unklo. Ponos (Jackfruit)  
24 Dhanvta dhanvta dudh vhanvta. Dattem (Grinding Stone)  
25 Aggo chedva, bazaran vhos,, tujea oslem, mhoje oslem rupa bavlem ghe ani ei. Arso (Mirror)  
26 Dhol'lear haupa eita, mhal'lear rogot eita Nill kattem (Cactus plant)  
27 Aanth ani Pinth naslolo monis, rostear rodot cholta. Dolkhas. (Drum)  
28 Eka hospitalant xembor patient, dotor-an eklea-k topaslear, soglleamchem duvens koddta. Xitha gotto (Boiled rice grain)  
29 Dhonui vatten dongor, modem rodta vhag Padh (Fart)  
30 Alta Dolta Pai, Sewri Mhoji Maim, Asar Pasar Bhurgim. Madd (Coconut tree) Karen Cabral, Astt. Prof. of Botany, St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim
31 Ilo so Por, kashtti nesson for. Sui (Needle) David D'souza , Sao Jacinto
32 Mukhar voita tambdo tope, fattlian voita paimshim lok. Kelli Gheddavo (Spike & banana bunches)  
33 Vottan ia zavia konkem, konkea bokann lakudd koxem? Villo (Sickle)  
34 Ek baim, sukon suknam Tondd (Mouth) Fatima Fernandes
35 Rozannachea dongrar, pandurangachim ghorvam, aatt dande sodun, don dhandeamnim marlim. Uvo (Lice)  
36 Vhodlle vhodle raj, tin vostu falt. Mholba zhadd nam, hatichea thathak lonv nam, Konbie tantiak dentt nam (No trees in the sky, No hair on palm, no stem on egg. Jayashree Gawade
37 Vodlea Vhodlea rukhak Koitulam koitulam. Chinche Botam (Tamarind)  
38 Tirr tirr panam, Tir ghelo rannam, Tirr konnam bhina. Arm. (Gun) Marcelina Dias, Devlamo, Molcornem, Sanguem
39 Chikon rukha bompa follam, Voir chodlear Devon kollnam Tupkodi (Tupkodi plant)  
40 Aab bosla, Avoi danvta, Bhurgim khellta. Fator, Udok, Nustim. (Stone, Water, Fish)  
41 Dhol'la, Band'la, Chor kaim num, Khata Unkta, Vik khaim num. Datem (Wheeled stone grinder) Joaquim Rodrigues
42 I'lli -xi humpti, tantun assa jakinachi Ghomtti. Kansov (Tortoise) Mrs. Gracy Afonso
43 Sokallim udtta, ghor bhor bhonvta, khonxea voson ravtta. Saronn (Broom) Fr. Pietro Fernandes, sfx church, chicalim
44 Appin ghoppin, Vagh bosla khumpin, Assa tache monan, ghalta tujea kanan. Padri-chem kumsar (Confession) Crispino Faria, Alto-Dabolim.
45 Bhatkar Bhosla bolkavant, Xevtto hallta kalsavant. Vontti-velem ghodial (Wall clock)  
46 Artugola, Purtugola, Chinchechea Gola, paixim lok astanam, ghotto nagouvn vhella? Mhonv (Honey)  
47 Ghanttar san ailo Jogi, Saath kambol-lio ghallun boslo vhogi Kando (Onion) Jerry Fernandes, Vanxim
48 Tin paim-cho tiklo ghoddo, tacher bosla Kavo cheddo, hansta khorem maat uloina. Chull (traditional stone based oven or chulha)  
49 Aatare, Thatare, Kondlam bosoli Mhatare Jib (Tongue) Rosy Braganza, Chandor
50 Axeta, Poxeta, Haat bhonvdaita Rogddo (Grinding Stone) Dr. Maria A. R. Fonseca, Principal, St. Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim

The entire event was live-streamed on SFXChicalim YouTube channel and can also be watched in the player below: