October - The Month of the Rosary
By Ana Smriti Paes
October - the Month of the Rosary, was devoutly observed by the Youth Association and the Parishioners of St Francis Xavier Church, Chicalim, by praying the Rosary daily. Every morning before Holy Mass, the Rosary was conducted by a member of the Parish Youth. Each day, we prayed for a different intention. It was heartening to see many youngsters come forward to conduct the Rosary for the first time, in spite of their nervousness.
In the evenings, the youth visited different localities to pray the Rosary with the youth and parishioners living there. This activity was first conducted in 2019 under the leadership of the then Youth Liturgy Secretary, Shogun Fernandes. The personal testimony of the fruit that praying the Rosary brought in his life inspired us to conduct this spiritual activity once again this year, after a break due to the pandemic. After coordinating with the PPC members of the different wards, a plan for the month was charted out. Special liturgies were prepared with different sets of intentions for each set of Mysteries. To conclude the Rosary at every location, an elder would say a special prayer for the youth, following which, we took the blessings of our elders.
In the beginning, the number of youths gathering to pray the Rosary was small, owing to their busy work and college schedules, but as the activity gained momentum, more youth joined in. We took a break every Sunday to pray the Rosary at home, personally, with our families. On the last day of the month i.e. , 31st October, we gathered around the monument of Regina Mundi, Queen of the World, to pray together. We especially asked for grace to stay faithful to this beautiful prayer.
A special mention needs to be made of our youth Neola Pereira, who, along with her mother, attended and led the Rosary at each and every place. Her devotion to our heavenly Mother has inspired many other youths. Praying the Rosary together as a community has not only helped strengthen our faith in the power of Jesus through His Mother, but it has also strengthened our bond with each other, as a Youth Association. We trust that the prayers made for ourselves and for different people and issues around the world will be fulfilled according to the Will of God.
We thank our PPC members, parishioners and youth for their cooperation, prayers and support to make this October a Holy one.